PJ McGuire’s all in one absorbent hair towel and protective styling cape Wrapperoo is saving women and men everywhere ti…
New Sole Insert Makes Walking In Heels Feel Heavenly
Insolia proves comfort doesn’t always have to be sacrificed in the name of fashion. As a podiatrist, Dr. Howard Dananber…
This Spice Helps Cultivate Peace in Afghanistan
War veterans bloom saffron flowers in hopes of creating peace in Afghanistan Emily Miller, Kim Jung and Keith Alaniz hav…
Never Clog Your Drain Again With This Hair Stopping Invention
In the bathroom battle against hair and harmful chemicals, expensive plumber visits and messy clean up, the TubShroom ha…
Vascular Surgeon’s Patented Pillow Will Improve Your Circulation
Elevate, elevate, elevate….but how? Physician creates simple solution for an extremely common problem. Time again and ag…
HSN Launches Snapchat to Capture Behind-the-Scenes Moments for All Viewers
HSN joined the Snapchat family in June 2017 as @hsn.snaps. From behind-the-scenes celebrity guest takeovers to sneak pee…
These Herb Infused Sheets Are Fighting Food Spoilage and World Hunger
Inspired by a trip to visit her grandmother in India, Kavita Shukla invented a simple, natural solution for food spoilag…
Get A Workout From A Trained Professional Wherever You Are
Total body fitness solution brought to you in a bag, by Licensed Sports Medicine Trainer Tad Mayfield From cleaning prod…
Shark Tank’s Squatty Potty Launches At HSN
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-co…
Try This Nail Guru’s Quick Fix For The Perfect French Tip
As the daughter of a hairdresser, April Baxter is no stranger to a beauty salon. And as a woman who loves getting her na…