Father’s Day is quickly approaching us. Have you started shopping for Dad or set any plans to celebrate? We will be outdoors, as we usually are, celebrating dad grill side. I’m not talking about a typical buy things for dad to grill celebration…. This year have the grill set up with grilling gifts for Fathers day on display, food prepped, and new recipe ideas on hand. Grab the fun and unique Fathers Day ideas including must have items below.

We always grill hamburgers but this year we are opting for something different. Chicken and pepper kabobs with tequila sauce, how amazing does that sound? Grilled fruit with a chili salt lime topping, yes please! Prepping recipes for dad to cook (or you to cook together) is a great way to kick off the grilling festivities. Take a look through Kelsey Nixon’s Kitchen Confidence cookbook to find a few recipes dad might love and get the work started early for him. The grilled spicy fruit is a must try!

While you wait for the food enjoy popcorn with the kids. It can take time to prep, cook, and plate the Father’s Day food so get the popcorn popper in the microwave right away so you have an on hand snack available. The possibilities for the popcorn topping is endless! Place a slice of butter on the top of the red microwave safe lid to get the perfect butter ready popcorn in just minutes.

Since we will be grilling with dad (or even for him) grill gifts are a must in this situation. From grill top supplies such as Blackstone items to a variety of marinades, have items on hand that Dad can use time and time again while grilling outdoors. If dad’s a craft beer kind of a guy, a craft beer kit could be another great gift to surprise him with!