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You’ve probably heard of spring cleaning but what about end-of-summer cleaning? With every new season comes a fresh perspective on those pesky home problems that seem to increasingly creep up as one month passes to the next. Not to worry, with the right strategy (and maybe a girls’ night or two) solutions can easily be found. Below are some common household annoyances, and what to do about them.
Problem #1: The Clutter is Coming
I have plenty of storage for everything! Said no one ever. Attics and boxes are great but if all of your gadgets, seasonal décor and kids’ items seem to be outnumbering you, it’s time to show them who’s boss! Stay cool, calm and de-cluttered with foldable storage racks from Origami. I absolutely love the array of bright options so every part of the house can be color coordinated. Hello fuchsia for the craft room or garage! Optional wheels make it a breeze to transport and some fun storage cubes make it easy on the eyes. Organization has never been so beautiful.
Problem #2: Every Day is Laundry Day
If you love clean fresh clothes but hate doing laundry, I feel your pain. Mountains of dirty laundry can easily get out of control and feel like the task that’s least likely to get checked off the list. Designating a hamper or basket for each family member is a good way for things to stay manageable. Also, is there anything more glorious than the actual fresh smell of newly cleaned clothes? Not in my book. Make less trips to the store for detergent with this 500 load bucket from Nellie. No harsh chemicals mean it’s safer for sensitive skin folks and it’s compatible with high-efficiency machines so it works for everyone. Don’t forget the dryer balls for a snuggle worthy wardrobe.
Problem #3: Stuck in the Past
You’ve got the latest and greatest in technology but have you paid attention to what’s powering them up? I love that someone thought of redesigning a power strip to be even more functional and less of an eye sore. Perfect for small spaces, place these bendable power strips anywhere to conform around furniture and in tight areas, so you’ll barely even notice they’re there.
Having a lot of light bulb moments? Make it easier to see your genius with these innovative wireless light switches from Promier! Install them using magnets, screws or hook-and-loop fasteners for instant LED light anywhere! Illuminate hard to see places like cabinets, tool sheds and storage areas without the need for electricity or hard wiring. No need to fumble around for a flashlight when you’ve got the light right at your fingertips. Now that’s bright!