When it comes to entertaining guests, I always try to think about what we can do that will be fun, easy and of course delicious. Being that summer is here in full force, I’ve been eager to host an Ice Cream Social themed get together at our abode. With the crazy Florida heat ice cream seems like a top notch solution, and man is it a yummy one.
We decided to go full on ice cream bar for this. Which means we laid out a plethora of topping options such as marshmallows, crushed cookies, whipped cream, cherries, toffee popcorn and nuts (that can be warmed up and are SO good, seriously one of my FAVE toppings!) for our guests to personalize their sundaes.

Of course, toppings are only as good as what they’re topping, and we went all the way with our awesome homemade waffle cones and homemade salted caramel ice cream – made with the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker and Waffle Cone Maker.

To make an Ice Cream Social even more of a fete, serve waffle cones or let guests build their creations in gorgeous glassware, like Waterford Footed Compote serving dish and Waterford Riverside Drive Champagne Flutes. You could even serve a Rosé to create an adult float! Either way, the glassware will look stunning and take the entire event up a notch.

Don’t have a place to set up your Ice Cream Social? You can’t go wrong with the Origami Baker’s Rack… and you’ll have incredibly versatile storage for just about any room in your home afterwards. Think kitchen, garden area, garage, pantry, laundry and more!

Okay, are you ready for our delicious ice cream recipe?
2 cups heavy cream
1 14oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
drizzle of salted caramel sauce
1. Mix the heavy cream, condensed milk and vanilla and place in chilled Cuisinart ice cream maker. Let run until ice cream begins to form (about 20 minutes).

2. You can mix in caramel and serve right away. The consistency will be more like soft serve and equally delicious. Or you can place in a container, top with caramel sauce and use a small spatula to ribbon the caramel throughout the ice cream. Place in freezer for a few hours or overnight to harden before serving.

3. Add your toppings and enjoy!