What A Connected Home Means and Why It’s Helpful For You

The Hot Spot: Connected Home


A ‘smart’ home is one in which everything is connected by a network, and you simply need one device to control them. Not only can you control everything from one device, such as your phone or laptop , but you can also do it remotely—you don’t even have to be there!


If an appliance in your home draws electricity, it can be put onto your network. Everything is integrated, which means it can all be controlled from one device. We have all left home in a hurry only to have that nagging feeling that we forgot something. Was it the coffeepot? Is it still on? Or maybe you forgot to turn off the bedroom lights. Whatever your worry, a smart home can ease your mind.


1. Turn up the thermostat

During the winter, it is so nice to come home to a toasty house, but who wants to pay to heat an empty house all day? With a connected home, you can turn your thermostat on when you leave work, and have it warm when you get home. Of course, the same goes for summer months, when you want to come home to a cool house. Simply turn on the air when you are ready to head home.


2. Turn off the oven

Afraid you forgot to turn off the oven, the lights or the television? No problem! Check the status on your phone and turn off anything that might have been left on. If you use a small appliance like a curling iron every morning, and often forget to turn it off, this could be a lifesaver!


3. Brew a pot of coffee

Love to have a cup of coffee when you walk in the door? Get everything ready before you leave and then simply hit the button when you want to turn the pot on. Enter the kitchen and grab a cup!


4. Get alerts from your refrigerator

And, in this new connected home, your appliances can talk to you! They can send you alerts if there is a problem. For example, if your fridge needs a new water filter or a bulb needs replacing it can send you a text message . That’s right; your appliances can talk to you!


Do you think the connected home would ease your mind? Tells us why you need a smart house!

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