Summer Beauty

Summer Beauty: Tune in June 4-7
Hello and Happy Summer!
Thank you to all of the Serious Skin Care team for making our 14th Anniversary in April such fun. I particularly liked all the posts that were made here on the Serious Skin Care blog.
If you are like Shannon in Maryland and new to Serious Skin Care – WELCOME… I look forward to your experiencing Serious Skin Care. Please remember that I want to hear from you and learn of the results you are seeing with the use of Serious Skin Care. Calls during the HSN shows from both long-term customers and newer ones like Shannon are so welcome. We had some many terrific calls from customers during the Anniversary shows – your calls add so much to the shows.
Of the nearly 1,000 posts here on the Serious Skin Care blog for April, there was a consistent sentiment. Sure, you all had wonderful Anniversary wishes – for which I am grateful – but almost every one of the posts talked about the appearance of their skin and the results they’ve experienced using Serious Skin Care over the years. Many of you, like Jeannie in Missouri, had received unsolicited compliments about your skin. Nothing gives me greater pleasure and reinforces my passion about this business then hearing of such terrific results.
For Connie in Minnesota – you are one of several customers using the Skin Candescence and the Replicate and Renew Concentrate and asked which should be used first. I would suggest you apply the Skin Candescence first, then follow it up with the Replicate and Renew.
Cindy in Illinois asked explained her challenge with make up covering her oily, menopausal skin. I would suggest trying my First Base Mineral primer as your first step before applying the ProMineral line. At this point, I’d avoid liquid foundations.
For anonymous in Arizona. No, I am not expecting! Thanks for the compliment…
So many of you posted fond memories of my appearances on HSN at various stages of my pregnancies with my daughters Sophia, Sistine and Scarlet. I really enjoyed that time of my life and sharing it with all of you. My girls are growing up so fast!
You won’t want to miss the June visits of Serious Skin Care – as we’re bringing in a series of products that will give you that youth-kissed Sheen just in time for Summer. Look for my InstA-Gleam Serum and Moisturizer for the face and InstA-Gleam for the Body – all debuting in June.
Another treat for Summer is our latest Hero Traveler Kit –this will be the only kit that will include the Replicate and Renew Serum – in a .5oz Discovery Size – perfect for our busy Summer schedules. Plus, we will have new offers daily, exclusively for shoppers!
Cecilia, Serious John and I look forward to being with you June 4 – 7. We’ll have lots of fun and get the Summer off to a fantastic start!

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