How To Hem Your Jeans and Keep the Original Hem

Shop Sewing with Darlene Cahill on HSN


We all put off hemming jeans because the new hemline will look so uninteresting. But look closely at the picture. There is a secret that tailors use to maintain that tattered, worn hemline that you spent years breaking in.


It’s easier than you think!


1. Fold & Pin Your New Hem Line

Pin the jeans where you want the new hemline as you normally would. Simply mark and cut along this edge.

Shop Sewing with Darlene Cahill on HSN


2. Prepare the bottom piece

Make a chalk line on the cut-off hem  ½” over the top of the hem. This is your cutting line for the  bottom portion that you will be re-attaching. The extra ½” will be the seam allowance. Trim the hemmed portion on the ½” chalk line.

Shop Sewing with Darlene Cahill on HSN


3. Re-Attach the hem

Position the bottom section onto the outside bottom of the pant leg with side seams matching and new stitchline over the existing chalk line. Move your needle position all the way to the left and use your Piping and zipper foot to re-attach the hemline strip to the bottom of the pant leg.

Shop Sewing with Darlene Cahill on HSN


4. Add the Finishing Touch!

You can serge, zig-zag or use pinking shears to finish off the seam allowance. If you select a serged finish, go gently and slowly over the hump:) No worse for the wear, your jeans ‘haven’t changed a bit!’ (see photo of completed pair on top of page).

Shop Sewing with Darlene Cahill on HSN


Isn’t it fun to learn tricks of the trade? Can you see yourself using this tip to hem a pair of jeans for yourself or someone you know?

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