5 Tips to Create the Perfect Window Box

If you’re ready to increase the life and curb appeal of your home, think of a budget-friendly idea like dressing up the windows!

Today we’re sharing 5 tips for creating that perfect window box display and getting your home ready for all the sunshine and beautiful seasons ahead.

1. Choose the right box.

For the window box, you can DIY or find one that’s ready to go for you. I am LOVING this Mayne Mailposts Fairfield Window Box!! It was so easy to install, looks stunningly sleek and comes in different sizes, so there’s a right option for every window.

Our house is in the process of being painted white, with black trimmings and a few wood accents, so having the option to choose a black window box was a perfect match!

2. Start with good soil.

You really want to give your blooms a great base and that begins with adding a good potting mix in your boxes. The great thing here is that you won’t need to totally refill them every summer, because there is usually a lot of good soil left in them at the end of the season. One large bag of a good potting soil was enough for our 4’ box (and there was some leftover for other projects as well! Next season, we’ll just churn up the old soil and add in a little new to give it a good mix.

3. Fill those boxes up!

No one wants lonely looking flower boxes and having them under-filled definitely gives that look. Ignore the advice of the flower flats and tags suggesting how far apart to space the plants from each other to avoid your boxes looking skimpy.

4. Plant the right flowers for your space and choose your color theme.

It’s important to think about your windows and home… sun vs. shade, colors, etc. I’m loving all the floral selections available here on HSN right now, and the great part is… you don’t have to spend a weekend browsing what is only available locally, just have them shipped right to your door instead!

My favorite flower boxes are ones that follow a bit of a color pattern. You don’t have to be crazy strict here, just select a range of colors that you like and try and stick to that color range. Adding in plenty of greens as well.

A good recipe for plant selection is to use a main plant that will be in the background such as GeraniumsPeony or Angelonia in sun or New Guinea Impatiens in part sun. Begonias are great for planting in the shade. For a 2′ window box, choose 2-3 flowering plants, for a 3′ window box use 3-4.

Around the main plants, put in a filler plants and greens- Hostas are great to add here, especially for more shaded areas. Compact Verbenas, Flowering Vinca or Petunias are good here too.

In front of your main plants you can place some trailing plants such as Vinca Vine, Ivies, Trailing Verbena or Ivy Geraniums and add in a few Succulents as well for that compact color!

5. Water and fertilize.

If your window boxes are in the sun, or they are in a spot that is difficult to water, you may want to add water storing crystals to the soil while you’re mixing it up. The help retain water by absorbing it and then slowly release as needed, making the need for your watering chores much less often.

While you’re at it, fertilize! This is something you’ll want to do every week or two to keep your flowers and plants nice and full… and happy!

Happy planting and good luck with your beautiful window box! We hope we’ve given you some fresh window box ideas for the upcoming months of sunshine and FLOWERS!

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