If you are a jewelry lover, chances are you have dreamed of going to the Tucson Gem Show that happens every year in Arizona. Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by the largest gathering of miners, jewelers, designers and fellow jewelry fans?
If you ever get a chance to go, I wanted to give you some tips for when you get to check this trip off your bucket list.
1. Drink your water!
You don’t want to run out of energy during your adventure so be sure to stay hydrated. I always swing into a grocery store on the way from the airport into town and grab several gallons of water for the trip.
2. You don’t need to rent a car.
They have the public shuttle system between the shows figured out to near perfection.
3. Book your hotel rooms early.
I book a year in advance because the hotel rooms go so quickly!
4. Plan your budget or you will spend too much.
Trust me on this one.
5. Wear your comfy shoes and bring a rolling bag.
You will want to be on the move and your feet are going to be barking. The terrain is totally unpredictable. You could be on gravel one minute or carpet the next.
I hope you get to go to the show one day. It truly is my favorite. You will learn so much about stones of all sorts. There is more to it than that. If you have ever been to a music festival, you will feel a similar vibe. For parts of the show that is open to the public, there is a vibe of adventure and excitement of the hunt for your next treasure!
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