Some credit cards give you rewards, and then some credit cards give you VIP experiences where celebrity chefs personally answer your cooking questions and prepare for you their signature dishes! Hmm I wonder which I’d prefer?? Last November, we invited HSN card holders to our bi-annual HSN Cooks event where four of our celebrity chefs teamed up to do live cooking demos and feed some hungry fans. At this last Cooks event VIP cardholders got to rub spoons and forks with Donatella Arpaia, Robert Irvine, Ming Tsai, and Lorena Garcia, getting a glimpse into their kitchen routines.
For last November’s special event we challenged our chefs to answer customers’ toughest cooking qualms over holiday meals. Each chef had the chance to put a new spin on holiday dishes and we got to be the happy guinea pigs to test them! As an added bonus we also has celebrity chefs Dominique Ansel and Geoffrey Zakarian lend a hand in the kitchen, showcasing recipes from their new cookbooks. To try your hand at some of our chefs’ recipes from past 24 Hr Cooks events, you can visit our HSN Cooks pinboard. Better yet, to receive an invitation to a future HSN Cooks event, sign up for your own HSN card today!
Lorena Garcia can give you inspiration on how to bring Latin flavor to an otherwise ordinary meal with her risotto or savory soup recipes
Ming Tsai can also spice up your dinner with his Turkey Fried Rice recipe
Or, if you don’t have the time to cook tonight why not let Donatella Arpaia do it? She makes a mean meatball!
What chef would you like to meet at a future HSN Cooks event?