Autism Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month
Dear Friends,
April is Autism Awareness month. I want to share my personal journey dealing with my son Alex’s autism with you.
Wei with her son, Alex
The picture you see is Alex. At 6 ½, after years of searching to find out about Alex’s developmental problems we were finally given a diagnosis of Autism. At the time, I did not know what Autism meant. What I did know was he did not communicate with us, he never used the words “I” or “me” and never shared his feelings. He loved to clap his hands, swing back and forth and throw Legos against the wall.
About once every three months he would have a seizure. One time after my show at HSN, I went to home that night and put him in bed. The next morning I woke up to find he was unconscious. I immediately called 911 and the emergency team flew him and I on a helicopter to the hospital. For more than two hours I could not get him back, it was the most frightening experience of my life.
Today, after 5½ years with Alex getting treatment from Autism Treatment Center of America and also Traditional Chinese medicine, Alex’s seizures have become a vague memory. He is clearly communicating what he wants and how he feels. He can have a conversation with me and play with his sister. Just awhile ago, I was playing with him, he stopped and said “Mommy I love you.” Tears poured down my face and Alex had to console me 🙂
I am amazed when I watch him put a 200-piece picture puzzle together in his own unique way – that alone has taught me to respect different views and to not be judgmental about anything. Watching him lost in the music has taught me be present, to enjoy every moment of life. Even answering his repetitive questions has fueled my creativity. It is truly an amazing journey for Alex and my family.
I feel so blessed; and at the same with 1 out of every 150 children diagnosed with autism, I know it is an incredible challenge for many. With so many families affected by autism, I thought it was so very important that during Autism Awareness month to do my part to try and continue spreading the message of awareness and hope.
Thank you for being part of my life and sharing this journey with me.

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