If nights of homework usually make you cringe, save yourself from some of that stress on homework nights with a simple, and portable, homework station! Add in some healthy snacks, a plethora of school supplies and you’ve got a recipe for a successful night of conquering the homework beast.
It’s easy to make your own productive and portable DIY homework station in minutes with a cart, a few storage baskets, and some essentials that can be completely customized to your needs.
First off, start with a sturdy portable shelf. I love this Origami rolling steel storage rack, since it’s large enough to hold what we need and still small enough to not take up too much space.
Next come all the customizable necessities you need. In our home, we like to be prepared for not only homework, but art projects as well. Pencils, crayons and colored pencils, all kinds of glue and tape, paper, paints and glitter, etc. Right now there are so many sales on school supplies, and everyone is stocking up for school, but as you can, grab a few extra items for your homework station, or better yet, raid your own family craft supply for the goods (that’s what I did!).
I like to have a couple of solid storage bins to hold items I don’t necessarily want on display, like scrap paper, notebooks, and more. With these, you can stow away anything unsightly and then use clear canisters and open bins to display what’s available to use.
To top off your homework station, don’t forget the snacks! My little ones always come home from school ready to eat something, and just having a few options available is so helpful! Seriously, they’re much happier to sit and work through their workbooks with a snack in front of them.
Lastly, it’s great to have a speaker available for a little inspirational music… or those foreign language lessons you’ve got on your phone and haven’t started yet (or is that just me?!). Really though, a speaker that pairs perfectly with your phone is such an easy way to fill the background with tunes that inspire.
Have you used a homework station in your house before? What do you think some of the most important items would be? I’d love to hear about it!