HSN Blogs

Cut Cleaning Time In Half With This Innovative Broom

Finally, thanks to Marty Currier, a broom that makes sense!

With more than thirty years of work in the food industry where sanitation is critical, even owning his own salsa company at one time, Marty Currier had seen it all when it comes to clean up – and he didn’t like what he saw.

After years of watching inefficient cleaning with squeegee brooms, and with an inherent entrepreneurial spirit, he was determined to create a tool that would make sweeping easier and more efficient. Then, nearly four years ago, the idea hit him in the middle of the night. Next thing he knew, he had “rolled out of bed one Saturday morning” and into his garage, and built the prototype for a redesigned broom with just a few simple modifications that would cut sweeping time in half.

Thinking he was on to something, Currier took his broom to local bars and the ultimate test – hair salons, where there is no shortage of sweeping needs, and he asked them to test it out. Featuring the widest sweeping path on the market, the curved broom, with its lightweight design that collects dirt in the center, eliminating loss from the sides, was more than a hit. Business after business was giving it rave reviews – and not only did they not want to give it back, but they wanted to know where they could get another one. A star was born.

Leveraging a degree in microbiology and experience working in R&D bringing products to market, Currier is an innovator at heart. So he knew this couldn’t just be yet another broom. The Da Vinci Broom’s patented design funnels the dirt and debris towards the center and into a neat and tidy pile, while traditional brooms allow debris to escape from the side, causing additional sweeping and more work. It also weighs half as much as the leading competitor’s broom, and its low profile reaches into corners, under furniture and behind appliances, reducing fatigue. A small victory for tired backs and hands everywhere.

From idea to prototype to obtaining a utility patent to finding a manufacturer to generating sales, Currier says it has all been “a fantastic ride.” But the best part for him is when a customer tells him that it is the best broom they have ever owned. A simple solution that is fulfilling a big dream.