HSN Blogs

Party Time! Charm Your Guests With These Fruit-Inspired Party Hats

Nothing says summer like a bright and cheery, and fruity, DIY. And really, when you mix totally on-trend fruits with itty bitty party hats, it makes the cutest combo! So let the obsession continue while your parties, barbecues and picnics benefit from these adorable fruit inspired mini party hats!

First off, gather up your supplies! If you’ve got a stash of craft supplies, then you may already have everything you need! The good thing is, it doesn’t take much for these tiny hats to make a big impact on your next party!

DIY Fruit Party Hats

Supplies needed:

  • Yardstick paper
  • Craft Paint in Red, Yellow and Black (or black sharpie)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Green Tissue Paper
  • Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Elastic or Ribbon

First, cut a half moon shape halfway into the sheet of card stock. We’re going to roll the paper to create a cone shape and so you want to make it easy on yourself, and smaller than a full sheet of paper! When rolling into a cone shape, make sure to leave an opening fat the top for the leaves. Run a strip of hot glue along the edge to hold the cone shape in place. Then paint your cones the color of your choice and let dry.

To create the watermelon (or strawberry), use a small paint brush and black paint, or to make it even easier you can use a sharpie, to create upside down teardrop shapes for the seeds. For the pineapple, use the tiny brush or marker to create a few black dots on the cone. Over each dot add a couple lines to mimic a rough triangle shape. Add the shapes randomly all the way around the cone.

Next up, it’s time to make the green tops! Cut your green tissue paper into 4 inch strips, about 9 inches long. Then fold it up until it’s a 1/2 inch wide and cut the top into a point to create the leaf shape. Unfold the paper and roll it up tight. You can use a piece of tape or a dot of glue to hold the roll in place. Slowly and carefully unfold the leaves out away from center.

I placed the leaves in the opening at the top of the mini fruit hats and used a dot of hot glue to hold them in place.

Then it’s time to add elastic or ribbon for wearing! Cut your piece to length and again use tape or glue to secure inside of each hat.

These mini fruit inspired hats are the perfect topping to any summer party! They’re perfect for the littles, since they’re so little and adorable themselves! Set them out and add some sweetness to your summer!