HSN Blogs

3 Steps To Kickstart Your Fitness Routine

The New Year is in full swing and chances are you’ve made a few goals of your own for 2017. If beginning a fitness routine is one of them, personal trainer and dietitian, Carissa Bealert from ProForm, has some tips to make getting started simple for you.

The key is to find something you love to do and bring it into your home (Zumba in the living room before supper, anyone?). Then you can exercise on your schedule regardless of weather, the time of day or even when dinner is in the oven.

To start a simple at-home workout, utilize these three easy steps and try out some of these examples to get going:


Practice your favorite yoga poses in the morning and get ready to seize the day.Maybe get the kids involved and stretch together after they come home from school! Working out is more fun with others. Try using a resistance band for added support and achieve the ultimate stretch before starting your workout.


Pump up the volume to your favorite dance tunes and shake it off before picking the kids up from school. Jump in and help your children practice their sports by playing with them in your backyard. Or opt to take your pet for a jog around the neighborhood.

Strength Training

Work a circuit of squats, pushups and planks into the commercial breaks of your favorite TV shows.Throughout the day, try to take five minute breaks to lift small weights at your desk. Test your limits and see how many pushups you can do before hopping in for your daily shower.

What will get you moving in 2017?