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6 Benefits of Lab Created Diamonds

You live for reusable totes at the grocery store, recycling day makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and you probably tout yourself as an eco-friendly enthusiast–why not bring that same Earth conscious attitude towards diamonds?

Lab created diamonds provide great value, so you won’t feel bad about buying double the bling. Plus, you’ll always feel good about knowing exactly how your exquisite sparkle came to be in your collection.  If you’re intrigued, read on for the eye opening benefits of lab created diamonds.

 1. Earth conscious

Ever Brilliant diamonds are earth conscious. These gems are pure carbon diamonds grown in impeccable laboratory conditions that simulate the Earth’s natural growing process. It’s all done above ground and under the watchful eye of experts.

 2. No Identity Crisis

Chemically, Ever Brilliant diamonds have the same identity of mined diamonds.  Because lab created diamonds are created with such precision, they boast the same physical, chemical and optical characteristics of a traditional gem.

3. Upheld Standards

Standard mined diamonds are graded for internal and external flaws and can range in color from yellow to perfect clarity. This system is in place to ensure quality and to rate the value of your special jewelry piece, so it’s easy to shop for a quality diamond based on your budget and taste.

4. Modern Convenience

Lab created diamonds like the ones from Ever Brilliant have only been in existence for the last decade. This is because it took a lot of time, the best scientific minds and modern day technology to perfect a sparkler so identical to the real thing.

5. Heat it Up

Traditional diamonds are formed deep within the Earth and can take thousands if not millions of years to develop and be ready for a tedious mining process. Man made diamonds are created by placing a unique “diamond seed” into a monitored chamber of extreme heat and pressure. The chamber mimics the natural growing process and in a fraction of the time, voila, a perfect eye-catching diamond is born.

6. Earth Kind

Lab created diamonds do not disturb Earth’s delicate ecosystem to be sourced, refined and brought to market. If being environmentally conscious is your forte, consider giving Ever Brilliant diamonds a glittery go.  Shop the whole assortment on HSN here, or watch the video below to learn more!